Monday, January 31, 2011

A Special Journey! (PART-I)

(Scene 1)
“Who will help me now!!! :P”

“Hey! Where r you going man?..... Can’t you see the queue?.....”
An old man complained and stopped a person who is trying to get a ticket to Bangalore and who was sort of trying to make his own special queue. :P
“You mind your own business old man……” And suddenly everyone interjected in b/w yelling n asking him to get in line.
I was standing in a queue, waiting for my turn to get the ticket and watching the whole scene and enjoying a bit of it as I too wanted to stop him but couldn’t find enough strength to ask him not to.
Well this was the other thing though, I m not writing to tell you about him. I picked this man just because I need a way to start my story.
So here I was, tired and thinking about her as ever. Finally, I was on the ticket window and I asked the concerned person to give me a ticked to Bangalore. Then I walked slowly towards platform no. 8 where I was told that the train would arrive.
I was on the stairs, when I saw two cute girls trying to carry a bag too heavy for them to even lift. They seems in real need of help and they were beautiful, so I thought of offering some help to them.
“Hey, need some help!”
“Oh, no…no we will do it!”
They both looked at me, as if saying ‘please don’t take it seriously….we were just joking’!
And I smiled, don’t know why, but you can consider it one of my many acts of stupidity which i do whenever there is a sweet girl infront of me which obviously would have embarrassed them both.
Well again I was parting of from the actual thing, which I would (with my best shot) try not to, you can count on me…………though I know I will surely let you down.
Well they then finally (as obvious) left the suitcase for me to lift and the moment I tried to life it my hands stretched as if they were made of rubber and grew longer and longer. The thing was that the suitcase was really so heavy I could barely think of giving it a one more try by myself alone. But then, it was the question of my prestige, so I decided to give it one more shot and thought to give it all I have eaten that day, but all in vain. It barely lifted half or an inch. I wondered what could be inside it.
The two girls chuckled as if enjoying the moment. Now I understand how fast the situation can switch. :P
Well Finally I decided not to give it any more tries, :( well atleast not alone and it would be better to lose some dignity then to lose my life in lifting that big junk. So I asked the cuter of the two, (with a fake smile on my face which disappears with the completion of my sentence.)
“Hey I think the bag is really heavy. I really need your help too to disturb it a bit more than I have managed till now.”
She gave a wide smile as if saying, I told you not to mess ‘haha’.
“Yeah! …..sure!”
And finally the three of us managed to take it up 'the stairs' with me the most embarrassed person there in b/w. Well i thought, it was over finally, or is it? I saw that the station is still 100m distance away from where we were standing, in a hurriedly look I tried to search for something at the lower part of the bag. To my happiness the bag was having wheels. Well, I accompanied them to station as there was no 'danger' left then. Well we had a little intro then and they asked me my mobile no.(for my extreme pleasure it was opposite to what happens generally now a days...:)) and then they boarded on the train after wishing goodbyes.

(Scene 2)
“You ARE Beautiful”

Well, there I was again as ever thinking of her as ever. Ufff again a boring start. Well, I just can’t skip her. OK! Then, I decided to buy some snacks. No, no I wasn’t hungry or anything, just had this habit to have something to eat and still I am as thin as a thin dinosaurs(:P).
Well, as i told you, this wasn’t a start I would have opted for but still I am getting more into this lazy thing day by day.
Well, I was on the snacks point on the platform and I spotted a beautiful girl, prettier than the previous two and I decided to stare at her until the train arrives(my usual time pass). I took my snacks and went to a place closer to her and still partially hidden. I, then, sat there and started eating chips, and in the mid looking at her every now and then. No matter what you do but whenever you want something not to happen it happens almost immediately and the matter of fact, it is a 'fact'. Well, she finally saw me staring at her, and started continuously inquiring to confirm it by looking back in my direction or maybe she likes this game of staring and not letting others know that we know what they know. I know, I know it's a bit confusing but that's what is happening in there with us or more precisely with me.
While all these things were going on suddenly a very basic question erupted in my mind. That would I ever see her again? or would she ever know what I was thinking about her? or would she even care about it? I mean she knew only this thing that I was staring at her and that’s it, nothing else. Then a crazy thing happened to me, an idea, a thing that asked me to tell her what I felt and……….just do it. May be i was going crazy but that's what girls want don't they. :P
Well at first it looked all absurd to me, an act of foolishness, but then I found something that..........that shouldn’t be there. I was thinking of the odds in favor . Well I just can’t explain it how, but I certainly was planning to really tell her something about what I felt. So I tried to motivate myself for this because I couldn’t forlook any harm in this…………………‘to tell a girl what you think about her’ ……hmm ….hmm……quite fascinating. (Don’t do it if you think the girl is ugly. I bet you will take your next breathe in the hospital. :P)
Well I finally managed to boost my self-confidence by telling myself again and again that she is not your girlfriend you can tell her. And she won’t ask you to come up with something better next time, making it difficult for you, to even think of it again to give any complements to her.( I am going to be sacked for sure for exposing the truth. :P)
Well, I finally boosted 3/4th of the confidence in my legs to make them take me to her and 1/4th in my voice. When I reached directly in front of her, I tried to smile….why ( well ‘fatti hui thi yaar’).But I managed to control my emotions and said,
“Hey! You are beautiful!”
“Well,.....hmm...... do I know you?”(tilting her eyes)
“Hmmm….so you are saying that if you don’t know me, you are ug…..”
“No! I know I am sweet!” She defended herself and giggles.
“Oh, I am Vikash Singh…..aaaaa is it enough to make us know each other.”
She smiled and I thought it would be 'a yes', apparently, it would remain a mystery to me for now, and could remain that way for whole of my life, if I won’t take tuition from someone master in this girl psychology.
“No” she offered.
“Ohh…then can I take you to coffee”
“Well, here …:P…and for the time being I am waiting for my train to arrive and would prefer to do so.”
“Hmmm… ”
I went then without saying anything.
I went to a nearby coffee cafe and asked for two coffees. I came back and offered one to her.
“Hufff….so you won’t give up.”
“I brought you a coffee. Wanna bet something!(?)”
“I will complain about you to all those people there.”
“Well you could do that if you don’t like me; and I feel I am not that bad.”
I whispered the last line to her.
“Hmmm …..Ok I will take the coffee.”
“Nothing I would have loved if you had said it in words.”
“I like you.”
She giggled, “I didn’t mean that.”
“Well that’s why I am complaining.”
“Hmmm… you are nice. But don’t take it otherwise.”
“Thank you miss ‘unnamed’, and I would try not to, though I desperately want to.”
“Tanya…Tanya Agrawal!”
“Thank you miss Tannu!”
She giggled again.
'The train no. 2675 is soon going to arrive on platform no. 8. ‘Tink tonk’' (Announcement)
Her train was to arrive then.
So I said, "So.....will miss you beautiful.”
“Stop saying that!” She complained.
“Ok!”I smiled.
Before boarding on the train we wished good luck to each other.
I stayed there for some moments, and turned back to move away when the train sirened to depart. Out of the blue someone called me.
I turned back. She had a note in her hand. She asked me to hurry towards the window and said,
“This is my number.”
and smiled, “ Call me when you buy time!”
“Sure! I will!”
The train took speed and I said to her again “Byye beautiful!”
She smiled

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I wish you to be my life.

I wish to be the music you hear,

To be the lyrics of your song my dear,

To be yours I swear.

To be the words that could make you feel,

To be the heart that you could steal,

I want to be your smile Miss,

I wish to be your first kiss.


I wish you could read my eyes,

For the reason I can't explain everything in words,

Sometimes you have to be understanding to know the feelings of others,

To feel what is love,

You have to be in love.


I wish I could be the darkness of night,

For I want to see you dreaming,

To keep staring the whole night,

Just be there for my whole life,

I Hope the sun will never rise.


I wish to be your smile,

To let you know that every time you are sad I would die,

That you can save someone if you could just try,

To be the love of your life,

To be the one to whom you can't deny.


I wish to be your wish,

To be the one, with whom you will bliss,

I hope to be the person, whom you can't dismay,

I hope if I could stay,

I hope to be your wish someday.


I wish I could be a star,

For every time you make a wish and close your eyes,

I could make it true with my life,

To see you whole night,

I wish to be the light in the night.


I wish I could be the wind,

To be the one for whom you breathe every time,

To keep you closer then the heart of mine,

To be the one with whom you could ever shine.


I hope I could be the time,

For the reason I would stretch me to eternity to see you more,

For I could go back every time I wanted to be there,

To try every last time, until I'll make you mine,

I wish, I wish, I wish you to see the tears behind my smile,

And I wish you to feel the way I feel.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I said, I will never fall and then I jumped off the cliff!


I was on my way to hostel, when I heard a female voice calling me by my name. I was scared the moment I heard her. No, not because I am not good at talking with girls, but I know whose voice was that. How could I not, she is the one I have always dreamed for, the one to whom I always thought of talking too, the only one I wish to be in my life, the only one who comes in my dream every night. The only fairy in my life. And why she was there, because she might have read the poem I had written for her last night. She might have liked it. May be she want to talk to me.

We were standing in front of the library.

I turned to face the challenge ahead. Yeah challenge, it's been the real challenge tonight how I will handle the situation. It's been the first time in almost two years when she herself has came to talk to me and it could be the last. Something was going to happen soon.

"Yaar, I am tired of all these things. Please stop writing me." She said with a little smile on her face. Her words doesn't seem to match her expression. Not even close.

She stared at me for sometime hoping that I would say something. When i didn't answer she said,

"I don't want to be in these things. I am here to study. You too must concentrate on your subjects. Ok!"

Stupid say something. She is talking to you.

What? Oh, what should I say?

Anything! Just says something.


What, what? Are you dumb? Just say something, she won't be there talking to you all night.

My mind, why can't it shut up? I want to concentrate here. I don't want to understand what he is saying. The gorgeous looking so beautiful, did I ever imagine her, talking to me like this, that too in real. God, I will go mad.

I wish I could somehow capture this moment or could hold it; I would have never let it escape. I would have captured it forever. And I wish I could capture her image forever in my eyes. I want to have her forever in my life. Oh God! Is it really happening! Is she really there talking to me? I can't believe she is in-front of me. I hope this not like the every other time when she talks to me, in my dreams.

What are you thinking? Do it now.


Sorry, what does that mean Idiot?

What does that mean! You said say something. So, I did.

"Sorry, what does that mean?"


"Just stop writing to me...... Ok!!!" Her voice suddenly angry, like she didn't expected the way I responded to her or said sorry????

"Sorry." I said again, unable to think what to do or to say.


You are an idiot.

Yeah, right. I am really an idiot.

She walked away saying those last words.

What should I do now?

Go, Idiot. Ask her for something else.

Something, what something?

Anything! Ask her if you could be her friend. Just talk to her.

Go now!

I ran only to catch her in the middle of the way to her Bhavan, in-front of SBI. I said, more precisely pleaded.

"Hey, excuse me, please stop"

She stopped.

"Please stop." I said again.

"Hm Hm ......"

"Bolo." She said softly.

"Can't we be friends?"

Her lips moved.

Isn't she amazing? I won't lose you. I won't let you make me lose you. I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. It will be better if I die if I can't make you mine.

"No!" She said.

"Why?" I asked her though knowing what her answer would be.

"Do we know each other?" She said diplomatically.


"Did we ever had a conversation before?"


"So, How come we can be friends?"

"I can't be friend with anyone."

Crap! Now, I am anyone. Yaar, I love you. I love you like nothing else in my life. You are my life now. Look in my eyes, why do you think I am waiting for you only. Can't you understand it!

"Why?" I asked again.

"What why? It's my life. I can do whatever I want to."

"Yeah, sure it's your!"

Then she turned to move away and I turned heading towards my hostel. When I reached there, I realized.

She came there to know me. She gave me a chance and what did I do? I threw it away. God save me. I must talk to her in the morning.
