Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And I thought i would never find her....

Well, as it is the first ever blog by me......bear with me......
K lets start......
I always had a dream about a girl....her face was always covered with mist and i never knew who she is till..........you will know later....
i have been to almost every part of my country(i mean i am familiar to almost every culture and people living in there).....and where ever i went i tried to find ma girl......anyone who is watching me can tell that i am seeking something or someone......there is always a inquisitiveness in my eyes....every day is same....this became a part of my routine......i searched her every where where i could......and the time i went to bed i always sought to see her again more closely....gabbing with her spending time with her....i started to naive that all this is happening for real.....i didn't told this to anyone no one......over the time i found out that every girl reminiscent her in some way....and almost every girl has some charisma of she in her.....but still i was not gratified....i have always been a cert (i mean if i tried something for real i have never failed).....i don't wanted to capitulate all this like a shear dream.....i know it is real because the time i went to sleep i just don't want to perk up and i know she is somewhere anticipating me and may be she is also probing for me......and i have to perverse no matter what happens.....
Again as the time passed i became more intriguing.......where to find her...where to go......what to do next........every day became more and more exasperating i want to find her i know she is here i could feel the presence of her's......
Then one day i felt her presence again ....this time too close.....but i didn't bothered then,i thought its all over now i would never find her.....instantly someone came from overdue ....i tried to recognize her.... out of the blue i apprehended that she was the same girl i saw in my dreams...i was in a state of total catalepsy...i thought it to be a dream i tried to stir myself up but it was astoundingly real.....the heart was beating more then it ever had......she was there for almost and hour and i was glowering at her for all the time......i don't want her to leave.......i want to keep gawping...to hold this moment forever......to stop the time their for whole of ma life.....the moment was so amazing and mind-boggling.... i finally saw her in reality........after then i went to my room......and i fathomed i was crying..... but i didn't get hurt....nothing happened but why i was crying then...... this was for her.....at the end of the day i found out the girl i was looking for......
then i remembered the lines i heard long time ago

"Do you believe in love at first sight or should i walk into the doors again"
I have only one thing to say
"Never fall in love.....and if somehow you do which i know you will then never let it go...just love her sincerely....without wax"
by: Vikash Singh

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